Not because it’s fashionable,
but because it’s a necessary no-brainer.
Kitengela Glass recycles and transforms scrap material
- mostly window glass from the building industry -
into objects & designs that have a future, address a need & fulfil a function or desire.
Here is a beautiful pile of enormous potential.
By repurposing this circular material we can make anything
from a drinking glass to a dazzling chandelier.
Collected from suppliers to the building industry, melting 500kg of old glass a day,
we have converted over 4000 tonnes (4 million kilos)
of scrap window & bottle glass into useful and decorative items over the years.
This translates to over 670 tons of CO2 saved so far
- 1 ton of carbon dioxide is reduced for every 6 tons of recycled glass used.
The process of recycling scrap glass is further augmented
by annealing the objects made using solar power from our 30kW solar farm
- this is a global first - & old engine oil (120 litres per day) for energy.
Packaging with used newspaper & second hand boxes - all these reusing factors contribute to the cause.
Anselm despises waste.
This code translates into the company ethos & there are multiple reuses on many levels throughout our studios.
The recent addition of a glass crusher means that we can create sand out of old glass scrap
- which we use for our dalle de verre panels & furniture.
Even finished glass objects may be repurposed to a different function
- a vase may become a candleshield or a lamp base, for example.
Broken pieces are fashioned into windchimes by the industrious Mr Kibe and the mini industry he has created as an result of our clients demands.
Having a good working relationship with the environment is critical to the Kitengela Glass culture.
We regard nature as the treasure that it is, and are of the opinion that an inspirational & nurturing environment contributes to our product wellbeing.
Check out the Oblique Life podcast that mentions us here.