Funky Fencing
A technique unique to Kitengela Glass - using our homegrown appropriate technology Tiffany style treatment - a hand wrought metal filigree with an infill of blown and casted glass.
Other blown elements like plates, flowers or leaves, casted details & recycled bits of metal can be incorporated for areas that require a porous grille-like effect, or armatures that can grow into fantasy pieces.
Whether for indoor or outdoor, private or corporate, sculptural or mural, Kitengela Hot Glass's metalwork studio invented this discipline.
Click here for pricing options.
Other blown elements like plates, flowers or leaves, casted details & recycled bits of metal can be incorporated for areas that require a porous grille-like effect, or armatures that can grow into fantasy pieces.
Whether for indoor or outdoor, private or corporate, sculptural or mural, Kitengela Hot Glass's metalwork studio invented this discipline.
Click here for pricing options.
Contact info@kitengela.glass for custom pieces.
Wall art 'Lepidoptera 3' ~ 3.5 x 2m
Made to order -
Funky Fencing 'Dappled Green' ~ 3m x 6m
Made to orderFunky Fencing 'Dappled Green' ~ 3m x 6m
Funky Fencing gate 'Gobstopper' ~ 2 x 3.5m
Made to order -
Funky Fencing gate 'Colourbomb' ~ 2m x 4m
Made to order -
Funky Fencing mural 'ICEA' ~ 3 x 4m
Made to order -
Funky Fencing mural 'Mjengo' ~ 3m x 4m
Made to order